Search Results - Singh, Harkishan
Harkishan Singh
Harkishan Singh (25 November 1928 – 20 March 2020) was Professor Emeritus at the Panjab University (Chandigarh, India). He was a well recognized pharmaceutical academic, medicinal chemistry researcher and science historian. He had more than half a century experience in his respective fields to his credit. He worked at the Banaras Hindu University, University of Saugar, and the Panjab University in India, and abroad at the University of Maryland, University of Mississippi and the University of London.His scientific research had been in organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry and natural products. Nearly 50 master and doctoral theses were completed under his supervision. There were published 125 original scientific research papers. 14 patents were obtained. His research group was successful in designing a clinically useful skeletal muscle relaxant, candocuronium iodide (INN) (chandonium iodide, HS-310), which is a synthetic azasteroid. Dr Singh lectured on his research at several of the institutions and conferences in India, United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom and China. He had delivered invited lectures at the Harvard School of Medicine and at the International Symposium on Molecular Structure sponsored by the International Union of Crystallography at Beijing.
As a science historian Professor Singh examined the history of pharmaceutical developments in India of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. His history research studies were on pharmacopoeias and formularies, pharmaceutical education, pharmacy practice, biographies of pharmaceutical luminaries, and pharmaceutical journalism. He published over fifty articles.
In addition to his scientific and history research papers, Dr Singh authored and/or co-authored twelve books and nearly two dozen review articles, including several book chapters. He wrote extensively on educational, scientific, historical and professional issues. All told, his publications came to well over 300.
Professor Singh was on many academic, scientific, professional and governmental bodies. He was a member of the Committee on Education in Medicinal Chemistry of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), which prepared the Report on the International Education of Medicinal Chemists (IUPAC Technical Reports Number 13; 1974).
His affiliations with several scientific and professional organizations included emeritus membership of the American Chemical Society, life memberships of the Indian Pharmaceutical Association and Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India, and memberships of the American Institute of History of Pharmacy and British Society for History of Pharmacy.
Professor Harkishan Singh was the recipient of several scientific and professional awards and recognitions. He was a National Fellow of the University Grants Commission, New Delhi. He was General President of the Indian Pharmaceutical Congress. He received Eminent Pharmacist Award of the Indian Pharmaceutical Association. Dr Singh's standing as historian was recognized through his election to the '''Académie Internationale d'Histoire de la Pharmacie'''. The University of the Sciences in Philadelphia conferred upon Professor Harkishan Singh the degree of Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa) in recognition of his distinguished academic career and outstanding contributions to scientific research in organic and medicinal chemistry and the history of pharmacy.
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